November 05, 2010

Day 5

It is day 5 of the detox, and it couldn't be going better. I feel great! My energy levels are high, I feel like a million bucks, and I am having a lot of fun experimenting with recipes. It gets easier and easier to eliminate cravings for unhealthy processed food the more you eat whole foods. Throughout the day I crave a juicy apple, kiwi or a fruit smoothie. When I need that satisfaction of a crunchy snack, I grab my Mary's Gone gluten free crackers and eat them with guacamole, hummus, or even almond butter. The most difficult part about this detox is not eating dairy, but I can't believe how amazing I feel when I cut it out of my daily diet. Most people are intolerant to dairy and they don't even realize it. Your symptoms may include lack of energy, dry skin, congestion, irritable bowels, etc. So giving your body a rest from dairy may make you feel quite good!

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