September 29, 2010

The Best Non-Pasta Pasta Dish

My husband could eat pasta every night of the week, I mean, who doesn't love pasta? But eating pasta multiple times a week is not ideal, especially if your are stuck on regular white pasta. If pasta is your food of choice, try whole wheat pasta, as it contains three important parts of the grain: the bran (outer layer), the germ (innermost area), and the endosperm (starchy area in between). White pasta is processed and only contains the starchy endosperm area, and the bran and germ are discarded. Whole wheat pasta, or bread for that matter, not only has high fiber, but it also contains many essential vitamins and minerals.

However, I like to be crafty and try recipes that "taste" like pasta, but are not made with pasta. For instance, Egg Plan/Zucchini Parmesan. This is by far one of our favourite recipes that even the sceptics will love. 

1 large eggplant/Zucchini, sliced lengthwise into 1/2-inch-thick pieces  
2 eggs, beaten with a fork 
1 1/2 cups bread crumbs  
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 (25-ounce) jar pasta sauce 
1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese

Preheat oven with a baking sheet inside to 375°F. Coat eggplant slices with beaten egg, then bread with panko crumbs. Spread oil on hot baking sheet and place eggplant slices on it in a single layer. Bake 15 minutes, flip and bake another 10 minutes . 

Increase oven temperature to 475°F. In an 8 x 10-inch oven proof dish, layer pasta sauce, then eggplant, and top with cheeses. Repeat, finishing with cheese. Bake until the cheese melts and turns golden in spots, about 15 minutes.

I like to make this dish with Quinoa, as it adds a whole protein to the meal. Quinoa is a superfood that contains a perfect balance of all eight amino acids, which makes it easy to digest. It is packed with protein and is also gluten free. Quinoa is not only rich in protein, but it also contains fiber, minerals and vitamins. Such vitamins and minerals include, riboflavin, calcium, vitamin E, iron, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, folic acid and beta carotene. Get more information at

 Test out this recipe and see what you think. You can buy quinoa in most Zehrs stores, in the organic section. 

Thanks for reading!

September 28, 2010

Chocolate Blueberry Smoothie

1 banana
1 cup vanilla almond milk
1 cup of frozen blueberries
2 tsp of chocolate mix or more if you desire more chocolate (see previous post for instructions)
2 tsp bee pollen (optional)
1 cup of soak water and berries from 10-15 goji berries 

Blend together, makes about 3 cups

I came up with this recipe when I realized there was no ice made. I added the frozen blueberries to give it a thicker texture, and it turned out really great!

Try this chocolate smoothie, you'll never go back!

For the longest time, myself and a few family members drank our green smoothies religiously. What, you ask, is a green smoothie? Well, they consist of a blender full of a green leafy vegetables (romaine, kale, spinach, etc.), two cups of water, two bananas, and one other fruit. There are a million recipes one can try, and they really are delicious. We started drinking them after reading the book "Green For Life" written by Victoria Boutenko. I highly recommend this easy to read book to anyone looking for a path towards a raw food diet. She includes many delicious smoothie recipes. 


However, over the last 2 weeks I have been hooked on a new smoothie. A chocolate smoothie. The recipe came from my brother who has been my partner in health food experimentation. The first chocolate smoothie goes something like this...

1 cup almond milk
1 banana
1 tray of ice (make sure you use water from your Brita, and not just tap water)
2-3 tsp of chocolate mix 
2 tsp of bee pollen
1 tsp of raw honey
add water till reaches 3-4 cups, depending on the desired consistency.

Your probably thinking, where do I buy maca, carob, cacao, and bee pollen. Well, these can be purchased at any health food store. In my town, we buy our ingredients at The Healthy Nuts. These ingredients will put a bit of a dent in your wallet; however, it goes a long way. Like I said, my husband and I have been drinking these smoothies for two weeks now, and I have barely made a dent in the powders. 

Ok, so you might be wondering why these smoothies are so special. Well despite their fantastic taste, they have huge nutritional benefits. 

Maca, for example, has been used to increase stamina, boost libido, and combat fatigue. The maca root is an adaptogen, which means that it helps the body to adapt to and regulate stress factors that are constantly being imposed upon us. The maca root is a nutrient-dense whole food that is loaded with vitamins, plant sterols, and many minerals, amino acids and healthy fats. Who wouldn't want to start their day with such rich whole foods? For more information on the maca root, check out this website:

Cacao is a super food that contains a naturally rich supply of antioxidants. It is also an excellent source of dietary fiber, magnesium, and iron. This super food also contains many other essential minerals in significant quantities. Cacao is the ingredient that chocolate is made from; however, most chocolate that you find in stores has been heated to such a degree that most of the vitamins, minerals and other dietary benefits are lost.

Carob, is 8% protein and contains vitamins A, B, B2, B3 and D. It is also high in calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium and contains iron, manganese, barium, copper and nickel. 

Bee Pollen is one of the richest and purest natural foods ever discovered. It has a multitude of medicinal and nutritional values that have been known for centuries. Bee pollen contains the richest source of vitamins, minerals, protein amino acids, enzymes and fats. The benefits of bee pollen are two fold. There is so much to say about bee pollen, that I will have to make a post simply on bee pollen. In the meantime, check out this website and learn more:

If your feeling adventurous, get some ingredients, and experiment. This is a base recipe, but you really can do anything. So test it out, and see how you feel!

Thanks for reading!

September 27, 2010

My Goal

I was constantly looking for natural remedies for health ailments, whether it be for myself, friends, or family. The idea of taking prescription drugs compiled of chemicals and synthetic materials never sat well with me. My parents always told me to listen to my gut instinct telling me to do what was right, and I am glad that my instincts have been so strong.  But the more I studied and researched, the more I realized that if you give yourself natural whole foods full of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals, your body will have everything it needs to heal itself. Our body, mind, and spirit are all connected and without a diet full of rich whole foods, our mind becomes foggy, our spirits get lost, and our bodies ache.

My passion for holistic health has lead me to a Nutritional Consultant course through the Edison Institute of Nutrition. I have already learned so much, and am so excited to learn much more. I have decided to start a blog that will allow me to share information that I am learning with all of you. With the help of family and friends, I will post delicious recipes that will help you to incorporate healthy whole foods into your busy lives.

Thank you for reading!