October 14, 2010

Never Be Sick Again- Raymond Francis

The reason I started this blog was to share information about how whole foods and healthy lifestyle choices can lead to an optimal life. For this reason, I wanted to share with you an eye opening book that I have been reading over the past few days. If you have not already read it, I recommend reading the book, "Never Be Sick Again" Written by Raymond Francis.

In this book Raymond Francis discusses a new theory of health and disease. This new theory states that there is one disease, two causes, and six pathways. What does he mean by this?
There is only one disease and that is malfunctioning cells. It doesn't matter what you call the disease, if your cells malfunction, your body will not be able to maintain its homeostasis (balance).
There are only two causes of disease, and they are deficiency and toxicity. In order to keep your cells healthy, you must provide them with the nutrients they need and protect them from things they do not need. Your cells will malfunction with a lack of nutrients (deficiency), with toxic damage (toxicity), or both.
So how do we use this information to "never be sick again?" We need to make good choices along the six pathways which include: nutrition, toxin, psychological, physical, genetic and medical.
So how does this theory work? Raymond Francis puts it like this: If all of your cells are healthy, you cannot be sick; however, if a large number of cells are malfunctioning, it results in disease. Disease begins to take place when a single cell begins to malfunction. As time progresses, more and more cells begin to malfunction and we, at this point begin to "feel sick". Perhaps you feel more tired than usual, or have more headaches, or are feeling some aches and pains. By the time a physician has given a "diagnosis" you many not have any cells in your body that are functioning at an optimal level. Scary? I think so!
What our modern medical society is wrapped up with is the concept of symptomology, where they focus on categorizing and identifying ones symptoms (the effects of a disease). Basically, symptomology is based on the idea that there are thousands of different diseases that all have different causes and treatments. They have come to this understanding, because our cells can malfunction in so many different ways. The major flaw is that the “treatment” of these diseases, really is only a treatment or management of the symptoms. The major problem is that symptomology does not eliminate the cause of the disease. As Raymond Francis puts it, "deficiency and toxicity are always the common denominators of all disease".
All of the symptoms that you may feel are really just different expressions of malfunctioning cells. The possible combinations are endless, and that is why we may feel sick in different ways. But in order to achieve optimal health, you must address the cause and not the symptoms!
So what we should be focusing on is the health of our cells. When our cells begin to malfunction many important cellular chemicals are not produced, cell-to-cell communications are not clear, and our body cannot regulate itself as it should. When these things take place, we begin to notice the symptoms such as allergies, fatigue, aches and pains, colds and flu, depression and a thousand other common symptoms. By simply suppressing these symptoms, as so commonly done in todays society, you cannot explain why the problem has occurred and you cannot prevent the problem from happening again in other regions of the body.
This book goes into detail about what you can do along the six pathways in order to keep your cells in optimal health and in turn “never be sick again.” One of the most important things I have taken from this book thus far is that health is a choice.
“The next major advance in the health of the American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself.”
-John Knowles
I definitely think that everyone should read this amazing book, and take that first step towards optimal health.
Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! I have added this book to my wish list. Thank you for sharing it.
