October 25, 2010

Notes For The Detox

  • NO sugar, except natural sugars in fruits.
  • DO NOT eat anything that is not on the list, as it means it is no good for this detox.
  • NO red meat through the entire detox. The saturated fat in these meats puts too much strain on the liver and intestines.
  • NO coffee, however green and white teas are ok for days 1-4/18-21. During days 5-7/15-17 you may drink decaffeinated teas such as herbal teas.
  • During days 8-15 drink ONLY water. You may add freshly squeezed lemon.
  • During days 1-7 and 15-21, you may eat fish. Wild salmon is the ideal choice.
  • DO NOT eat any soy products during this detox. Many people are intolerant to this product.
  • Give your body a rest from dairy. Eggs and plain, unsweetened yogurt are allowed during days 1-4 and 18-21.
  • NO peanuts during the detox. They have the wrong kind of fats.
  • Make sure to exercise throughout the detox. Exercising will promote the flow of your lymphatic fluid and encourage toxins to flow to the liver, and in turn leave the body. 
  • DO NOT fast if you are a child, if you are pregnant or nursing, if you have heart disease, diabetes, hypoglycaemia, an eating disorder, kidney disease, gout, epilepsy or colitis.  
  • Practice meditation, stress/ tension releasing activities. 

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